The Expedition School is partnerned with TerraCycle, an innovative recycling company that accepts hard-to-recycle waste in exchange for points redeemable for $$ cash donations $$ to schools and non-profits.

TES is currently enrolled in the recycling brigades pictured below and will be adding more in the future. You can help by collecting the items below and placing them in the collection bins in the main entry to TES and/or in the entry to the middle school (near the ramp entrance). TES will also support the classrooms for daily collection.


Items may be ANY BRAND and should be empty with their caps on.  If rinsed, please dry the outer packaging.


Colgate Oral Care Brigade                                                                  Go-Go SqueeZe Brigade         

Any brand toothpaste tubes WITH caps, toothbrushes,                                          Any brand healthy plastic pouches WITH caps

toothpaste cartons, toothbrush outer packaging and                                           

floss containers


Personal and Beauty Care Brigade                                                                                                     

Hair care packaging such as shampoo caps, conditioner
caps, hair gel tubes and caps, hair spray triggers, and hair         
paste caps. Skin packaging such as lip balm tubes and caps,
soap dispensers and tubes, body wash caps, lotion dispensers         
and caps. Cosmetics packaging such as lipstick cases, lip gloss
tubes, mascara tubes, eye shadow cases, bronzer cases,
foundation packaging, powder cases, eyeliner cases, eyeliner
pencils, eye shadow tubes, concealer tubes, concealer sticks,
and lip liner pencils. 


Any question? Please email